messiah:script supports all of the logic operators found in C and C++. They are:




does not equal


is less than


is greater than


is less then or equal to


is greater than or equal to


this is true AND that is true


this is true OR that is true



These symbols are used almost exclusively in control structure's conditions.  For example you will perform some operation if 'a' is less than 'b' and greater then 'c':

if( (a < b) && (a > c) )

When we're dealing with logic we are dealing with values of 'true' and 'false' only.  In this case we are testing the inequality of (a<b) and (a>c), each of those expressions will evaluate to a boolean 'true' or 'false' value.  Then the results of those expressions are tested against && which will itself evaluate to 'true' if and only if both of it's operands are 'true'.

C/C++ users: messiah:script uses the same order of precedence as C and C++ so the above parentheses are used for clarity only. if( a < b && a > c ) will work as expected.

Below are examples of each of the logic operators at work:

// execute statement only if a equals 5
if( a == 5)


// execute statement only if a does not equal 5
if( a != 5 )


// loop as long as a is less than 20
while( a < 20 )


// loop as long as a is greater than 20
while( a > 20 )


// loop as long as a is less than or equal to 20
while( a <= 20 )


// loop as long as a is greater than or equal to 20
while( a >= 20 )

// execute if both functions return non-zero
if( func1() && func2() )

// execute if either function returns non-zero
if( func1() || func2() )


// execute if neither function returns non-zero
if( !func1() && !func2() )


// loop until func returns non-zero
while( !func() )


Note: Don't confuse the logical 'and', 'or' & 'not' operators with their bit-wise counterparts.  messiah:script supports all bit-wise operations defined in C and C++.  For more information on bit-wise operators and their uses see General Info->Develop->C Language Ref.->Bit Fields.

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