View Controls
Each of these View Controls will affect the view for the World View viewport they are located in. When you have multiple views, each view will have its own controls. Note: Not every view type will be able to access these controls. For example if you are viewing from the Camera View, these controls will not show up, because you use the camera itself to adjust the view.
Center: Centers the view onto whatever item you
have selected. Note: It centers based on the pivot point of
the item. This option is not available for Camera and
Object views.
Move: Moves the view in the viewport (World
View). Left-click and drag to move along X and Z.
Right-click and drag to move along Y. Note: This feature is not
available for Camera and Object views.
Quick Key:
Ctrl-Alt plus left mouse
drag for X/Z, and right mouse drag for Y.
Rotate: Rotates the view in the viewport (World
View). Left-click and drag to rotate along pitch and
heading. Right-click and drag to rotate on bank.
Note: This
feature is not available for Camera and Object
views. Quick
Key: Alt
plus left mouse drag for pitch/heading, and right mouse drag for
Zoom/Dolly: Left mouse
button Zooms in and out.
Right mouse button dollies (moves) in and out. Quick
Key: Shift-Alt left mouse drag.
Additional Quick keys (without mouse):
,(comma) and .(period) for small zoom in
& out increments, or <and >for larger zoom in
& out increments.,
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