O b j e c t s

Here's some of what's on the disc to get you started:

Butch: (Objects\Butch\)
  This is part of a character created by Taron for the Butch sample scene.  There are also several morph targets.

Defaults: (Objects\defaults\)
There is a camera, null object and bone that  you can use instead of the normal default ones that messiah uses.  For more info, click here.

Charlie: (Objects\Charlie\)
is a Cyclops character created by Carl Davis.

Doggy: (Objects\Samples\)
This is a dog created by Taron for the Doggy sample scene.

Dummy: (Objects\Dummy\)
  This odd character is the main part of Patrick Van Pelt's character setup (see Sample Scenes).

Juggler's Arms: (Objects\Juggler\)
These are the arms from Pat Van Pelt's Juggler setup (see Sample Scenes).

Monte: (Objects\Monte\)
  Monte is a character created by Thad Clevenger.  This directory contains a low-res Monte as well as a full-res renderable version.  Images are provided as well (in the messiah-content\Images\Monte\ folder).

Spider: (Objects\Spider\)
Arm01.lwo, Arm02.lwo
, Arm03.lwo, and Body.lwo  These are the body parts for use with the Spider sample scene.  Just some basic shapes.

T-Rex: (Objects\T_Rex\)
This is the low-res T-Rex used in some of the tutorials and sample scenes.

T_Rex_Metaformed_1Level_01.lwo  This is the high-res T-Rex used in the Metamation/Linked Scene samle.

And a few super-low-res stand-in objects for the Stand-In tutorial.

Tia: (Objects\Tia\)
  Another Taron creation.  Tia was created to show what can be done with bones for facial animation.  There are also several subtly different morph targets.  Take a look at the Tia sample scene!

Wormler: (Objects\Wormler\)
and Wormler_HiRes_Meta1Level.lwo  and Wormler_LowResB.lwo and Wormler_HiResB_Meta1Level.lwo This is low-res and high-res versions of the Wormler character used in the Wormler sample scene.  It's a great object to use for learning the basics of Bones, Flex, FlexMotion and muscles. The difference between the regular version and the "B" version is that they're facing in different directions.

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