E x p r e s s i o n s :  Breaking Down & Deciphering

Expressions are one of messiah's most useful and powerful features, but many people get intimidated by the math that may be involved.  Short expressions are easy to understand, such as:  [Foot.lwo:xpos]*3  which will take the X position of Foot.lwo and multiply it by 3.

Unfortunately, many expressions are more complex than that.  While it might take a book or full class to explain everything (and if you are planning something like that, let me know because I'll sign right up), here is a quick look at how they break down, and what it all means.

Objects and Channels:
The first, and most basic thing to know is that objects and their channels get placed into brackets  ( [   ]  ), and that no other part of the expression goes in there.  For example, [Foot.lwo:xpos] is correct, but  [Foot.lwo:xpos+2]  is not.  If you want to add 2 to the X position of Foot.lwo, the +2 belongs outside the brackets, like this:  [Foot.lwo:xpos]+2

There is an exception though.  This is a perfectly legitimate format [Null:xpos@  etc.  ]
For example:  
[Box.lwo:xpos@[Slider:xpos]*10+25]     Technically, that's still presenting an object an channel-- it's just a modified result.

Common operations:
Here's how each of the basic math operations are written in expressions...



(plus sign)









(forward slash)





: (

just kidding :-)

One use of comparisons is when you only want something to happen based on the relation of one number to another.  Like if the Y position of object A is greater than 2.5, make object B follow it.

Greater than:                     >
Less than:                         <
Equal to:                           =
Greater than or equal to:   >=
Less than or equal to:       <=
Less than or equal to or just about the same but not really:  <=~=x

Order of operations:
Here's a quick look at the order in which simple equations get solved in:

  1. Parentheses (functions have the same level of precedence as parentheses)

  2. Exponents

  3. Multiply (or divide)

  4. Add (or subtract)

Here are some easy samples:

  • 3+2*5= 13  The multiplication happens first.  2*5=10, then 10+3=13.  The wrong answer would be 25 (which you'd get by adding 3+2 then multiplying by 5).

  • 3+2*5+4= 17  Again, the multiplication happens first, so the equation is actually: 2*5=10, then 10+3+4= 17.

  • (3+2)*5= 25  The parentheses happen first.  So the equation is 3+2=5, then 5*5=25.

  • (3+2)*(3+2)= 25  Both parentheses parts are done, then multiplied.  So it's 3+2=5, then another 3+2=5, then 5*5=25.

The complex expression:
OK, that was all pretty easy.  Now lets dive right into a long and complex equation.  (This equation is from a complex character setup.) 


First separate it into terms.  Terms are separated by addition or subtraction, and this expression has three terms:

First term:          [Hip:xpos]*(1-(abs([HipSld:xpos]-.5)*2))

Second term:   +[FtL_CTL:xpos]*(max([HipSld:xpos],.5)*2-1)

Third term:        +[FtR_CTL:xpos]*(abs((min([HipSld:xpos],.5)-.5))*2)

Now each of these terms can be broken up (visually anyway) into major coefficients:

First term:        [Hip:xpos]            *     (1-(abs([HipSld:xpos]-.5)*2))

Second term: +[FtL_CTL:xpos]     *     (max([HipSld:xpos],.5)*2-1)

Third term:      +[FtR_CTL:xpos]    *     (abs((min([HipSld:xpos],.5)-.5))*2)

OK, the left side of each of these terms evaluates to themselves, they can't be simplified further.  The right side of each of them can now be simplified according to the order of operations:

  1. Parentheses (functions have the same level of precedence as parentheses)

  2. Exponents

  3. Multiply (or divide)

  4. Add (or subtract)

Let's look at each term...

The first term,  [Hip:xpos]*(1-(abs([HipSld:xpos]-.5)*2))   works out like this:

[Hip:xpos]*           Hip's X position times the result of all of the following:
HipSld's  X position minus .5
abs (result) 
         Take the absolute value of that result and...
result *2              
Multiply it by 2.
1- result
               Now take 1 and subtract the result (from above)  from it.

Since this is all modifying the value of HipSld (which is a Slider) you could say that it's "re-mapping" it's range from 0->1 to 0->1->0.  So the complete term:  [Hip:xpos] * (1-(abs([HipSld:xpos]-.5)*2))  could also be described as the Hip's X position times the remapped slider, HipSld.

The second term, +[FtL_CTL:xpos]*(max([HipSld:xpos],.5)*2-1)  works out like this:

+[FtL_CTL:xpos]*            FtL_CTL's X position times the result of:
max([HipSld:xpos], .5) 
HipSld's  X position or .5, whichever is greater
result * 2                    
The result of the above, times 2
result -1                      
The result of the above minus 1.

This also remaps the slider. The first half of the sliders range 0->.5 does nothing, it's remapped to 0. The last half .5->1 is remapped to 0->1.

So now the first two terms together is:  Hip's X position times the remapped (0->1->0) slider HipSld.  That is added to the result of FtL_CTL's X position times the remapped (0->0->1) slider HipSld.

The last term is basically the opposite of the second term +[FtR_CTL:xpos]*(abs((min([HipSld:xpos],.5)-.5))*2) which works out like this:

+[FtR_CTL:xpos]*         FtR_CTL's X position times the result of:
Returns whichever is smaller; the xpos or .5.
result -.5                    
The result, minus .5, which makes .5=0 and  0= -.5.
The absolute value of that result makes it .5=0 and 0 =.5
result *2    
                  This result is then multiplied by 2 (scaling the range) making  .5= and  0=1.

This remaps the slider from 1->0->0.  In other words the slider is 1 when it's all the way to the left, 0 when it's in the middle and still 0 at the far right.

So the whole thing is:

X position times the remapped (0->1->0) slider HipSld.  That is added to the result of FtL_CTL's X position times the remapped (0->0->1) slider HipSld. The result of that is added to the result of FtL_CTL's X position times the remapped (1->0->0) slider HipSld.

And there you have it.  That's how complicated expressions get broken down and evaluated.  However...

Make it a little easier on yourself:

Usually if you have a huge expression like that (or bigger) it's better to break up the terms into expressions of their own.  Perhaps most common is to break up the remapped sliders into their own expressions because you tend to use them in more than one place.  (Remember, expressions can be referenced in other expressions.)  The expression detailed above could be simplified to:

That would make dissecting it far more easy, especially if you used a naming convention like "_remap010"  to describe what the expression does rather than leaving it cryptic and mysterious.

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