Config & System Temp Path
Many of the user-defined settings in messiah are saved to a configuration file (usually just called "config"). Every time you exit messiah this config file is saved, but if you want to save it while the program is running, go to the File tab context menu (right-click on the File tab) and select Save Config.
Due to all of the new features and enhancements, the configuration file has been renamed to avoid conflicts when running older versions of messiah. If you want to retain your old settings, just rename your messiah3.cfg to messiah4.cfg (or make a copy of messiah3.cfg and rename it to messiah4.cfg).
System Temp Path & Temp Folder
Previous versions of messiah were hard-coded to look for your system's Temp directory in order to place its own temp directory within it. Now you can set an environment variable in your operating system, called MESSIAH_TEMP_PATH, to set your desired location for messiah's temp directory. This will eliminate problems with lost configs and other data when system cleaning your system's Temp directory.
If you want to use a custom path for your messiah temp directory you must create that environment variable in your operating system. Here is how to do it in Windows XP (and presumably Windows 2000). (Note: In my test, I did not have to restart Windows in order for it to recognize the new Temp folder assignment, but I can not guarantee that you will not have to restart, so save all of your work before doing this.)
Go to SettingsControl Panel and
open up System
Click on the Advanced tab, then on the Environment Variables button near the bottom.
On the User Variables section, click on New.
In the top field, put: MESSIAH_TEMP_PATH and in the bottom field put the full path to where you want it to look for the temp folder. For example: C:\Program Files\pmG\messiah_temp Then click on OK.
If you want to, you can move your existing temp folder to the new location that you have set. The old location is in your system's Temp folder. Usually that is someplace like: C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\Local Settings\Temp The folder you want from there is called messiah.
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